Thursday, August 16, 2007

More Links

Just found some more stuff. This one is about the incredible size of the phone bills that AT&T is sending out for the IPhones. Literally one of the biggest wastes of paper I have heard of in a while. Just sad... In the process of reading that though, I found some of the linked articles on how Apple is working on cleaning up their environmental image(one and two). We were planning on buying Apple's for our business anyway for a myriad of other reasons, but the new updates they are working on just make it that much better. I had heard about what they were trying to do, but the new Imacs are definitely a nice step in the right direction.

Anyway, if you are into the electronics and that sort of thing, I found a great site as well ( for the environmentally conscious techno geeks among us. It is right up my alley, so I thought I would pass it along.

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