Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas tree; Real or Fake

Yahoo has a decent article up on the debate between real or fake Christmas trees. It just touches on the basics quickly but pretty clearly shows why a real tree will always be better in every way. I always liked them because they smell great and just say "Christmas" so much better than a plastic thing. I happen to be one of those strange people that likes the needles all over the place and the chore of watering it every day.

The good news is that it is also a really green thing to do. The plastics in the fakes are bad bad bad. The real trees eat up the CO2 happily, and if you are lucky enough to live in a place like North Carolina where there are literally hundreds of tree farms in the mountains, you can support a local farmer as well. Anna and I have been buying our tree from the same family for the last 3 years. They are "Mountain Advantage Tree Farm" and have sales locations in Holly Springs on the corner of Sunset Lake and Holly Springs Rd, as well as another on the corner of TenTen rd. and Holly Springs Rd. The one on Ten Ten is the best because they hand out hot apple cider while you wait for them to strap the tree to the roof of your car. I highly recommend them to anyone in the area.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Liquid Coal... BAD!!!

Possibly some may have heard of this stuff already, but there is a new technology out there called liquid coal, and it is really as bad as it sounds. The coal companies of course LOVE it and want to use it to replace gasoline. This would be bad. Check out the NRDC webpage for a pretty funny and sadly accurate little cartoon. This organization needs support so anything anyone can do will definitely help.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

quick update

After a very busy last couple weeks, I finally have some time to update folks on things. We are still working on completing the business plan, but some real progress has been made. We are down to a few more sections and maybe one or two more trips to the library, then the editing begins, hopefully soon to be followed by starting the process of opening. We will keep you updated as things progress further.

Aside from all that, I did find this useful review of non-toxic paints on the green guide. Worth a look through for sure, and hopefully Green Home Headquarters will soon be the place to go for them instead of the Internet and the limited color choices that it provides.
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